What’s Life About
Everybody loves a good story. A hero we can relate to, a battle or quest to win, and a happy ending. God begins his real story in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. God’s so big He made the entire universe with just words from His mouth. So smart that scientists are still discovering new things – from the biggest galaxies to the smallest atom. So loving, that He made a perfect earth – no war, death, disease, poverty or pollution. So personal, that He walked and talked with Adam and Eve, blessed them and told them not to eat from just this one tree. (Genesis 1-2)
We were made for the Garden of Eden – to walk, talk with God in obedience and trust. Just as God is love, and existed forever in Trinity – perfect harmony and order – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – so we were made to love God and one another in perfect harmony and order, all in a beautiful garden and universe. That’s how the Bible begins. It answers life’s big questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die?” What a great story, so what went wrong?
So What Went Wrong?
It started so beautifully. How did we end up with shame, guilt, death, damaged relationships and a fractured environment? Why is it that we often don’t like what we do and feel? Why do we have a hard time getting along with others? Why does God seem far away, uncaring or just plain too demanding? Why is the world plagued with violence, oppression and poverty?
God’s real story – the Bible – with real people in real places, gives us the answer. He made us to love and be loved, but for love to be love it must be chosen. So God gave Adam and Eve a choice, a simple command – do not eat from the tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve, like us were presented with two ways to live – trust God or trust ourselves, live life God’s way or our way, experience life with God, or experience death, shame, destruction in every area of life.
Adam and Eve, just like us, chose to disobey God, blame each other and run from God. (Genesis 3)
Though we are the supreme affection of God’s love, we are now self-centered and rebellious. We look out for ourselves versus God, people and this world. God calls this sin, which brings death – spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and eternally in hell. Because of our sin, we often don’t like God, others and even ourselves. We’re frustrated and let’s be honest, frustrating to others. Injustice bothers us, but we also want our “piece of the pie.” Death scares us. Hell sounds unfair and heaven sounds boring. But if there is no life after death, or if everybody goes to heaven, then why not live like you want? This great story that began with such promise is now all twisted and dark. Is there an answer? A solution? A hero? Somebody who got it right and can rescue us?
Is There an Answer?
Though he never traveled much more than a 100 miles from his home town, never wrote a book or held an office, never made much money, but died as a condemned criminal, and was buried in a borrowed tomb – He is respected by all the world’s major religions – for what He taught and how He lived. His name, Jesus! And just like in the Garden of Eden, He calls out to us to choose again – to trust, love and live like Him. Just like the Garden of Eden, the story gets beautiful again.
Why Did Jesus Die?
But wait a minute. Amidst all of Jesus’ compassion – healing the sick, feeding the hungry, holding the children, forgiving the prostitute; amidst all of his wonderful teaching – turn the other cheek, go the second mile; Jesus gets crucified on a Roman cross. Why does God’s story get ugly again? If Jesus just wanted us to live like Him, and He does, why do the Gospels spend a third of their pages on Jesus’ final week – the leaders plotting, Judas betraying, the disciples running, the soldiers crucifying, the crowd mocking, the Father forsaking, the earth shaking, the curtain ripping, the angels descending, the tomb stone rolling, the guards running, and Jesus resurrecting, saying:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
Let’s let Jesus speak for Himself:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God is so committed to us, the crown of His creation that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus – virgin born, 2nd person of the Trinity, fully God and fully Man – to die in our place and rise again. Even though we’ve sinned against Him over and over, resisted Him, tried to use Him for our own ends, God still loves us and wants to restore us back to Himself. He wants us to join Him when He will one day restore this universe to a beauty that will outshine the Garden of Eden, where the lion will lay down with the lamb, and earth and heaven will be one.
Until then, He wants us to pray and work for ”His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth, just as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-15) He wants us to live like Jesus now – in perfect harmony – loving God, others and this world. Is there sin, sickness, sorrow, or oppression in heaven? Didn’t Jesus die not only for our sins, but to live in us? Didn’t He address these issues with His life and teaching? Then He wants us to work hard at eliminating these hurts on earth too, both as individuals and corporately.
What Does God Want Me to Do?
Just like in the Garden of Eden, God still offers us a choice. We can live life our way and suffer the consequences – frustration, anger, worry, addictions in this life, and a place called hell in the next. Jesus, who loves us and died for us, describes hell as a place filled with fire, worms, darkness, weeping, and grinding our teeth in endless pain. Sounds awful, but where else can God send us if we do not want to be with Him on His terms and in His way? As Jesus said:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” (Matthew 7:21-23)
Jesus preached over and over that we need to repent and believe and keep living a life of faith and repentance. To “repent” means we need to see our sin the way God sees it, feel about it the way God feels and make amends. “Believe” means that we need to trust God to forgive us, be assured and confident that He wants to help us change. “Believe” means we are convinced that God knows what life is really about- loving Him and others – and will help us do it. Together “repent” and “believe” mean we are not only trusting Jesus for our salvation for heaven but for living our life now the way He did on earth – turning the other cheek, going the second mile, sharing the gospel, speaking out against sin and wrong, and ministering to the hurts of others – especially the sick, poor, imprisoned and stranger.
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
Does This Prayer Express the Desire of Your Heart?
God knows our hearts. The exact words are not as important as our wanting to turn from our sin, turn our lives over to Him and trust Him to forgive us for heaven and change us now on earth. The following is a suggested prayer:
“Dear Lord Jesus, I need You. I know that my sin has broken my relationship with you and others and is part of the reason why this world is the way it is. No matter how hard I try I cannot ultimately fix this problem. Thank You for dying on the cross and rising again for my sins. Take control of my life, take me to heaven when I die and help me live for You now, loving You and others with all my heart. Help me make a difference in this world by living like You, sharing the gospel like You, and ministering to others like You. In Your Name Jesus, Amen!”
If this prayer does express the desire of your heart we encourage you to it right now. Ask Jesus to come into your life just like He promised. So if you really mean business, you’re trusting Jesus and He’s forgiving and empowering you.
I’ve Trusted Jesus. Now What?
Know that if you are serious about your sin, Jesus is serious about your salvation.
He’s forgiven all your sin and is now living in you.
He’s calling you to live like Him on earth and He will one day take you to heaven.
He’s coming back to reign over a New Heaven and Earth.
We have a great future.
What we do now will matter for all eternity – in either rewards or loss of rewards. We are still accountable (II Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 6:19-34)
How can you know if you are serious? Read I John – True believers will let the Lord help them live a life of love, faith, repentance and obedience.
Go…tell others about your new found faith and obey Jesus’ command to be baptized.
Grow…now let Jesus live his life through you as your LORD!
Love – God and people – Jesus’ top priority – Get involved in a church.
Obey – God’s Word moment by moment.
Rely – on the Holy Spirit for every detail of your life.
Devotions – read God’s Word and pray daily, worship weekly.
That’s God’s story. He is the Hero. He wants you to win the battle now and join Him for the “happy ever after.” Let us know if you have decided to follow Jesus and join God in His story.
I’ve Got Jesus and the Bible. Why Do I Need Church?
Isn’t church full of hypocrites and politics? Not to mention it’s boring and I don’t get anything out of it. Can’t I worship God on my own? Yeah, you have a point, but Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)
Anyone can take potshots at Christ’s body – the church – but Jesus commands us to love those fellow hypocrites, deal with the politics and get over the boredom by worshiping Him in spirit and truth. That will show the world that Christianity is real – not staying home and trying to go it alone. In fact, weekly worship is so important God lists it as one of his “Ten Commandments.” God also commands us to love one another, forgive one another, and serve with one another. That cannot happen if we are trying to live the Christian life as “Lone Rangers.”
From eternity God existed in harmony – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He didn’t put Adam and Eve on their own separate planets. God made us for community from the start. Surveys show that the number one thing that helps people most in their Christian walk is other Christians! So God made a family for us – the church – for our own spiritual health and the world’s salvation! Don’t skip a week without corporate worship. Just like we know God commands us not to commit murder or adultery, we need to remember He feels just as strongly about forsaking Him on His day. (Exodus 20:8-14, Hebrews 10:25) His commands are not to hurt us but help us. He knows we really need that weekly time with fellow believers, for our sake, their sake and the world’s!